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Are you an influencer?

We would much rather be working with you to advertise our product than Facebook. They are already making enough money, and we want to take that system back and give it to the people who have nurtured their online presence and have a fantastic following.

If you join our affiliates program, we will share a promo code with you that offers a 15% discount to your followers (on top of any seasonal specials), and we will pay you $2.50 for every sale using that code. We payout on the 1st and 15th of every month to the PayPal account associated with your registered email.

To join, simply click on the link in the footer of our site and create an account.

If you want to have a customized code or have any questions please reach out to us on our contact form, or social media and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Wishing you all the best always,

The Burlap Bros.